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Goldman Dermatology

XTRAC Excimer Laser For Vitiligo In New York City

Offering full service dermatology with convenience to fit the busy schedules of New Yorkers

Vitligo is difficult condition to treat. Topical cream take a long time to work and are not always effective. The scientifically proven FDA cleared Xtrac excimer laser has been proven in multiple published studies to improve the appearance of vitiligo. The XTRAC employs a narrow spectrum of ultraviolet light B (UVB-308nm) that has been shown to result in the greatest results. Multiple treatments over months may be necessary. The face usually responds to fastest but other parts of the body also respond.

XTRAC Excimer Laser Procedure

The treatment visits are relatively fast and safe. Large areas can be treated as quick as 5-10 minutes The laser beam is targeted so only the areas with loss of pigmented are treated relatively sparing nearby unaffected skin. Most patients experience no pain or discomfort. Side effects as in any treatment can occur including but not limited to blistering, sunburn like effect and scarring. Treatments usually occur twice a week in the dermatologist office. Most insurances will cover the majority of visits with a pre-authorization. Topical cream or alternative treatments can be used in conjunction with XTRAC. Consultations are typically covered by insurance.

XTRAC Excimer Laser Before & After Photos

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