Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-16:00
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Goldman Dermatology

Facials In Manhattan, NYC

Offering full service dermatology with convenience to fit the busy schedules of New Yorkers

Our new aesthetician, Jean A., is an expert in performing basic facials ($95). Your facial will start with a skin analysis followed by a deep cleansing treatment, massage, a steam treatment, extractions (if needed) and a mask (complete with a good moisturizer). Effective skin care takes time and dedication, but with the right combination of aestheticians and products, you will be well on your way to achieving healthy, beautiful skin.

Jean A. also specializes in custom facials, back treatments and microdermabrasion. Her two popular treatments are described below:

Signature Facial with Healthy Mask We will perform a European 5 layer deep pore cleansing facial followed by a gel clarifying hydrating mask. The facial is a full hour, it consists of cleansing the face with cleanser that fits you skins needs (products from Dr. Goldman\’s MD skin care line issues: Rosacea skin, acne prone, oily, sensitive or dry skin specialized products), then a gentle toner applied to meet the correct Ph of your skin, followed by an enzyme cucumber exfoliating scrub mask put on manually in swirling motions to get best results. While it dries, a hand arm massage is done, then we remove the mask, we steam the face under two steamers for 10 minutes, then perform a gentle extracting of black heads, white heads, comedones and then really deep clean the face. The final layer is a ultra hydrating mask to finish up the facial. A neck and shoulder massage is performed while the mask sits, along with a hot towel. The mask is removed and a sunscreen is applied once again using a massage technique. ($175)

Laser Hair Removal Procedure in Face

Back Treatment Summer is here! Strapless, backless, and bikini backs everywhere. Treat yourself to an hour long procedure to clear up your back for those summer outfits. First we will cleanse your back with exfoliating soap, then a toner, then we will use two steamers on either side for ultimate deep pore cleanse. We will then extract any comedones, black heads, white heads and clear everything out. Then we will follow with massage using calming mask, the mask will then sit with a cover. We will then perform hand, neck and arm massage followed by hot towels. When the mask is removed – your back will be in ultimate shape for the sexiest dress to heat up your summer! ($250)

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Consultations with our dermatologists are personalized to meet individual needs and are dedicated to answering all of your questions and concerns. We are uncompromising in finding the right treatment for you,